Last December 6, approximately 25 came for the "prayer mobilization meeting." The Boiler Room was packed and some of them had to sit close to each other. It is always wonderful to have more voices singing praises and more people putting in their impressions. Despite the number of people who came, and the anyone-can-pray-aloud atmosphere, the prayer stayed focused.
We didn't have any specific agenda that evening except that we all know that we're there to mobilize JREV intercession, with the long-term vision of seeing 24-7 houses of prayer.
After entering into worship, Raymi had a strong impression that God wants us to be still. We stayed in listening mode until the Lord let us to songs of intimacy.
Then there were also impressions about God enveloping us with the blanket of His love. It was an invitation to receive the love of God.
We eventually flowed into intercession, God's leading was focused on the church. We kept praying for the Church until we sensed a release in the Spirit.
My personal assessment for the prayer session that evening (as well as the other prayer sessions before this) is that God really wants to take the intercessors deeper in Intimacy. This may sound like a generic word but I truly sense that this is a "NOW" word for us. It has been as though every time we enter into worship or prayer, the hearts need to go through some ploughing in order to become tender before the Lord, and tender enough to sense His heart. We should also guard against the tendency to take off in praying for the usual concerns and burdens right away, and thus, neglect the deeper stirrings of the Holy Spirit.
I also sense that we need to go into another season of fasting. I sense a need for a number of commited volunteers who are willing to be broken again by God, allowing their hearts to be ploughed. I feel we have been lacking this tenderness of heart before the Lord. It is growing increasingly difficult to just come with an overflow of thanksgiving and worship. I feel that the promises of God has made us more focused on "agenda" rather than love for God's presence.
It has become increasingly difficult to gather. Somehow, the years that have passed have become a test of cultivating hunger for God. As intercessors, I believe our role is crucial in shifting the atmosphere, or shifting the gear of this movement. But there can be no acceleration without combustion of fuel. We need to get our hearts back. We need to get the vision back. We need to get the fire back. We need to back up our words and jumping with real tangible commitment - investing time, getting dirt into our fingernails, skipping meals, pressing on in Word and prayer. There can be no fire without fuel. And we can only watch our life burn as we go on our knees and pray.